uPVC Windows Worcester

Installers of uPVC Windows in Worcester. Modern, stylish and affordable comfort isn’t just a dream, it’s a real possibility. We’re proud to offer the best uPVC windows Worcester has to offer, in a range of styles, colours and finishes.

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Top Quality uPVC Windows Worcester

uPVC Windows Worcester

Not all windows are the same, and it can be difficult to choose, especially when we have one of the biggest ranges of uPVC windows Worcester has to offer. You can opt for classic white casement windows that keep out the cold and won’t break the bank, or make a statement with wood-effect uPVC sash windows for a period property. The only limit is your imagination and budget. As a company with nearly forty years of experience, we have seen it all, so rest assured that we will turn your dream into reality.

And if sash windows aren’t your style, we can offer bow and bay windows to make a real statement. uPVC windows are also available in tilt and turn style, which open horizontally as well as vertically, so that you can open them for ventilation but not let anyone fall out, which is an added bit of peace of mind for anyone with children. Most uPVC windows double up as fire exits as well, so they can open through 90°. This means that in an emergency, you could use your window to escape.

Get Quality Double Glazed Windows

Contact Reliant Windows Limited today to see what we can do for you.

Double Glazed uPVC Windows Services in Worcester

uPVC Windows in Worcester

At Reliant Windows, we have worked hard for nearly forty years since 1982 to provide the best windows Worcester has to offer. As a highly accredited company, we are proud of our membership with FENSA. They are the leading scheme set up to monitor building regulations compliance for windows and doors. With membership like that, you know you can trust our team to install the best in uPVC windows. 

We provide the communities of the West Midlands a whole range of uPVC products. From flush casement windows to bow and bay windows, conservatories, car ports and orangeries, there isn’t much we don’t know about this industry and we’ve seen it all. You know when you invest in your property and especially uPVC windows that you need to be able to trust the company you work with. We have built our reputation up over the years and have a long list of happy customers from providing the uPVC windows Worcester deserves.

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01527 853974



Frequently Asked Questions

What does uPVC stand for?

uPVC stands for Unplasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride. uPVC is tough rigid and durable and has a wide range of applications in construction.

How Long Do uPVC Windows Last?

Modern uPVC windows should last for the lifetime of the property. Older installations of uPVC from the 90’s may not have this longevity due to advancements in the modern manufacturing process.

Are uPVC windows secure?

uPVC windows can be fitted with multi point lock systems providing a high level of security for your home. This makes uPVC windows the ideal solution for your home.